
Wrist and Hand Pain

Hand Pain Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

De Quervain's Disease

De Quervain's disease is a frequent source of wrist pain and disability.

If you have de Quervain tenosynovitis, you will probably feel pain when you turn your wrist, grasp anything or make a fist.

De Quervain's tenosynovitis can be caused by repetitive use of the thumb and wrist, leading to irritation and swelling of the tendons. It is also linked to conditions like pregnancy and breastfeeding. Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis may have a higher risk of developing De Quervain's tenosynovitis due to the inflammatory nature of the disease affecting the tendons.It involves the entrapment of tendons in the first dorsal compartment of the wrist. Treatment options range from conservative approaches like immobilization and PROLOTHERAPY, CORTICOSTEROID INJECTIONS to relieve pain.